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Create a text on Parembole is very simple. Learn the process in minutes.

Book's creation

The book's creation start with a form to complete:
-Title: the title of your text, it will be displayed in the bookcase.
-Language: the language of the text, this information is useful to give suitable text to the readers.
-Availability: only one choice is available at the creation, "Only me": only the author can access his text.
-Amazon ID: ID of the text on Amazon, if it is published on this platform too (a link will be provided to the readers).
-Description: the text's description, it will be displayed in the bookcase.
-Display the table of content: if this box is ticked, the table of content will be generated automatically. The chapter's name will be generated with the content of the tags h1, h2, h3, h4 or h5 if the chapter starts with it or generated automatically with the format "Chapter x".
-Reverse the order of the chapters: If this box is ticked, the chapter's order will be reversed, from the newest to the oldest (blog mode)
-Let your readers add comments: if this box is ticked, your readers can add comments at the end of your text.
-ID of the translated book: if the text exists in different languages, this box allow the author to set the ID of the translated text. For safety's reasons, the author of both texts has to be the same. The other text will be updated automatically with the ID of this text as the translated text.
-Automatically give the appropriate version: if an ID is provided as a translated book's ID, this option ticked will automatically load the text in the reader's language.
-Font's code: if the text needs specific fonts, the author can import them from Google Fonts.
-Cover: the author can load an image as a cover for his text. This image has to be a jpeg or a png and his size has to weight less than 1Mo.

Chapters' creation

Once the text is created, the creation of the chapters is done directly on the text's page.

The author types or paste his text in the field provided. He can paste text at the html format or set the style directly by selecting part he wants to stylize and by applying the wanted style. The author can save his chapter at any time by clicking the button "Add a chapter". He can still modify it and stylize it, but he has to switch to the "Editor mode" by clicking on the pen icon on the right. He will have to save the modifications by clicking the "save" button on the top right of the chapter then.

At first, the chapter is "hidden", only visible to the author, who can work his text after the publication. The background is stripped in the Reader Mode for the author. He will click on the lock button in the Edition Mode to make the chapter public.

Once the text is ready, the author can enhance it. The same way he is able to stylize it, he just needs to select the affected part of the text and click on the button "+". He will have to choose the wanted format and follow the instructions. The chapter is automatically saved when an enhanced module is created, edited or deleted.

The chapters can be deleted by clicking on the cross placed top right of any of them. Confirmed, this action is definitive.

Text's customization

The authors can use some dynamic tags and use the own first name or last name of the reader in their text. If the reader is logged, the tags {{firstname}} and {{lastname}} in the text will be automatically replaced by the first name and the last name of the reader. If he's not logged, the author can choose a generic first name and last name in the text's settings (if it's not set, it will be John Smith).

The author can also use the date of the day with the tag {{date}}.

Text's publication

Once the text is fully written and the enhancement finished, the author can publish it. He has to open the edition menu, two new options are now available in the Availability field:
-"Everyone with the link": the text will be available for every users who has the link, so it will not be listed in other users' bookcase.
-"Public": the text is available for everyone and will be in every bookcases.
The author can also choose to let the Availability field as "Only me" if he doesn't want to share it.

The author's name displayed will be the first and last name of the user as set on Facebook at the account's creation on Parembole or a nickname if the author has set one. Twitter and Linkedin account will be displayed or not in the text card according to the author's settings.

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