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This book also exist in a French version: Parembole Album/Image
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The type "Album/Image" let you display an image or an album. 
The image can come from different sources: 
    -Direct URL

The image could be, depending on the source, be part of an album or be used as a background.


Facebook :

The Facebook format let you include an album or an image. The field Image's Id or Album's Id must be filled with the Facebook URL of the image or the album. This source cannot be used as a background.
Warning, the Facebook content must be public.

Flickr :

The Flickr format let you only include an image. The field Image's Id must be filled with the Flickr URL of the image. This source can be used as a background.

Google : 

The Google format let you only include an album. The fields User's name has to be filled with the Google's username (firstname.lastname if your email is The author can specify which albums he want to include by adding their id splitted by commas in the Album's Id field. This source cannot be used as a background.

Imgur :

The Imgur format let you only include an album. The field Image's URL must be filled with the Imgur URL of the album. This source cannot be used as a background.

Instagram :

The Instagram format let you only include an image. The field Image's URL must be filled with the Instagram URL of the image. This source can be used as a background.

Vine :

The Vine format let you only include an image. The field Image's URL must be filled with the Vine URL of the image. This source can be used as a background.

URL directe :

The URL format let you only include an image. The field Image's URL must be filled with direct URL of the image.
Warning, the image must be accessible to everyone.
An image hosted on Dropbox has to be in the Public folder.

This source can be used as a background. It's possible to precise the image's author and to add a link or a description. Every images are not free to use, licences are important to respect photographes and graphists work, thanks to keep that in mind. Many websites give free to use photos, these images can be used to illustrate your work.


Sophie was staring at the most famous fresco of all time—The Last Supper—Da Vinci's legendary painting from the wall of Santa Maria delle Grazie near Milan. The decaying fresco portrayed Jesus and His disciples at the moment that Jesus announced one of them would betray Him. "I know the fresco, yes.""Then perhaps you would indulge me this little game? Close your eyes if you would."
Uncertain, Sophie closed her eyes.
"Where is Jesus sitting?" Teabing asked.
"In the center."
"Good. And what food are He and His disciples breaking and eating?"
"Bread." Obviously.
"Superb. And what drink?"
"Wine. They drank wine."
"Great. And one final question. How many wineglasses are on the table?"
Sophie paused, realizing it was the trick question. And after dinner, Jesus took the cup of wine, sharing it with His disciples. "One cup," she said. "The chalice." The Cup of Christ. The Holy Grail. "Jesus passed a single chalice of wine, just as modern Christians do at communion."
Teabing sighed. "Open your eyes."
She did. Teabing was grinning smugly. Sophie

Extract from "The Da Vinci Code" Dan Brown - 2003 - DoubleDay

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